You have found the ideal place to call home.
Your home is the vessel for your life and
your refuge from the world.

Clarify your intentions for a life well lived in a home well loved and celebrate with friends and family. Make sure that your house is suited for the life you want to live there. Erect altars in your home to the things that make life rich. Live comfortably in your home with the people you love. Ann Keeler Evans, M.Div, will help you dedicate this dwelling as a safe, joyous and supportive shelter for your life ahead. Cleanse the house of past unhappiness, mark it as your own and open its doors to the blessings you desire. A home should be much more than a real estate investment. Plan a house blessing that invests your home with the love, hopes and dreams of you and yours. Come, let us celebrate together!

A house blessing can work for you on many levels:

      Before your ceremony
          as you realize the potential for your house truly to become your home
          and for you to lead the life you imagine within its walls.
      During the ceremony
          as you invite the community to celebrate and dedicate your new dwelling place
      After your ceremony
          as you look around your house and remember the purpose with which
          you have invested every nook and cranny and the pride you take in your home.

Find direction in the planning. Make a conscious choice to create a history of intentional life in this home. Reflect on your goals and determine what you need in the house where you live. Move toward creating your space in the image of your requirements. Your house can become the ground in which your chosen life grows and blossoms.

Allow this event to reveal your intentions to your community. Ask your community members to rejoice in your good fortune. Invoke a blessing on the place that will cradle your life and the life of your family and your community. Together, let us dedicate your home to a life well lived. Share the covenant that will govern the life to be lived within the walls of this dwelling. Hang your prayer of dedication in the entrance to the house and proclaim the rules of love that govern your home for all to see.

Claim all the possibilities of this new home. You are working hard to make a life that focuses on what really matters. Creating a home from a building is a sign that you value what you offer the world enough to provide yourself a comfortable, creative space in which to nurture your precious life, your friends and your family. If you are ready to acknowledge and claim life's abundance, let's celebrate your home and your life, together!

The start of every house blessing is to clean the house, air it and bring in fresh flowers and plants. On the day of the blessing, it's good to fill it with the aromas of cooking food, proclaiming your home a nurturing, welcoming place.

 © 1998-2003 Ann Keeler Evans. All Rights Reserved.